Thursday, July 20, 2006

I went to the moon

I went to the moon to buy a new spoon,
But as it turned out, there just wasn't room!

The man in the suit cried, "don't breathe the air!"
I said, "it's OK, rats go where they care."

I started to dig, I was looking for cheese,
I dug and I dug, all the way to my knees.

All that I found was dust, sand, and dirt,
I dug for so long that my arms start to hurt.

I was getting so mad, and my face just got redder,
Next time I might visit the shops for my cheddar.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My day went like this...

  • I woke up
  • I woke everyone else up
  • I drank a big glass o' milk
  • I ate scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast
  • I spent some time on the 'puter - makin' movies
  • I spent some more time on the 'puter - this time on ABC for kids
  • I had lunch on the balcony. I ate chicken kebabs, bean salad and steamed potatoes (with butter!) while wearing rock star sunnies
  • I jumped into the car and got chauffeured to Dad's
And the weather was fantastic. It's the middle of winter in Perth, Australia. 20 degreesÂș C and sunny. I love this place!

A vegie might but a bean will

Another Rebecca Rat masterpiece. From the vegemite site. Drawn by someone else but coloured in by me. Pretty good job isn't it.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I found Nemo!

Can get there from here

He's in here

Nice fish

The sign said, "Do NOT feed the crocodile!"

Yum. Perhaps the best part of the entire day!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Nature's name











If you ever feel like a caterpillar,
remember that there is a beautiful butterfly
inside of you.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

School hamster dance

This is the "best" photograph that we took of me at my school dance day. If you look closely you can see me doing The Hampster Dance. I was AWESOME! :)