Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I am drinking from the hose. And I was wearing a dress. The water was good, you can see the drops coming out and it had a funny rubbery taste :)

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Saturday, October 03, 2009


Almost time for my birthday again. As one frog said to the other, "Time's sure fun when you're having flies."

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Cutey Cat

After almost 2 years of saying goodbye to CatGirl, we've finally got another cat. My maths tutor had a cat that had some kittens and she gave one to me.

I know that kittens are cute, but this one is really cute. She's all black, furry, and has green eyes that sometimes reflect blue if you take a photo with a flash.

It took us ages to choose a name. We went through 100's of possibilities and finally decided on Sammy, which was one of my first choices. Here's some pictures of her. I'm sure that there'll be many more pictures before too long.

Update: the first time we took Sammy to the vet we found out that she was a he! It's good that I picked Sammy as his name because it works either way.

Friday, January 02, 2009


Hi all, Happy New Year.

Most things are going OK, spent the new year at Mum's which had mostly ups but a few downs.

Went out in public for the first time the other day wearing a dress. Met this cute little puppy. The next day we went to see the movie Marley and Me which is one of my favourite books. You should have seen the adults that took me weeping at the end of the movie! The ending of the movie is sad but maybe they just needed a good cry anyway.

Here's me with a pretend Marley.