Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Birthday This Year (11ven!)

This year Mum really pulled one out of the hat. She organised a pet zoo at the local park. All of my friends and my cousins came (who are also my friends :) and we had the best 11th birthday party EVER! There were birds, and a pig and a sheep and a horse and rabbits. We cooked up a big barby and finished off the day with a chocolate mud cake.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Cool huh? Click the water to feed the fish. Have fun!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My trip to Sydney

Guess where I've been?? Sydney!! It was the funnest time I've had! This is me in the hotel, but there will be more photos coming. Here I am drinking tea.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What's been happening?

Let me see. I've been going to school, doing stuff. It's almost my birthday again which is always pretty cool.

I went on a holiday with my Dad to Sydney. We stayed at the Hotel Ibis. I'll try and get some photos of that holiday up soon.

The other morning on the way to school we found a little bird on the ground that had fallen from its nest. We put it back in but it seemed like it had been abandoned by its mother. We named him Buddy and for one night he was the happiest bird out there. We fed him special bird food through an eye dropper and put a little sock on him to help him keep warm that night. Sadly, the next morning Buddy was dead. It was sad, but we did everything that we could for him and made his last day and night as comfortable as we could.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Pet game
I like to play this game. You can adopt a beagle, black lab, poodle, chihuahua, ginger cat, persian and loads more pets! You can even have two of the same pet if you want. You can even call your pets the same name!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My new pet

This is my new pet lizard. I got her fron the garden. She was eating the plants and mum said I could keep her. I called her lizy. She is a blue tailed lizard and i feed her plants.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Holiday Time

I'm off on my first over seas holiday. I'm going with my cousin Skye and a couple of grown ups are tagging along too. Stay tuned for plenty of photos and updates.

Check out where we are staying. You can zoom in and out of the map if you like. You might even see me jumping into the pool :)

View Larger Map

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Rebecca Rat and her cat

It's almost Catgirls birthday so I posted this virtual cat to say hello.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Me and Mum

A photo of me and Mum.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Alvin's BIG adventure.

Hi. I'm Alvin. I'm going on an adventure.

Let's go into the kitchen.

A nice chair.

Let's go into the lounge room.

Thank you!

Having a little rest.

Let's go outside.

What's in here?

I'm climbing a tree!

This is a nice car!

I'm the mail!

Rest under a tree.

Let's go back home.

I'll come out of the plants.

Into the house.

Jump off the table.

My nice chair.

Into the bedroom.

Home sweet home.

Reading Books

I've been reading a lot lately. I'm reading a series of books by Sue Bently about a magic cat named Flame.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Yep, Danny is a dog. He belongs to my cousin Clare. She's so nice and always has nice things to say to me. Danny is her dog. He loves her and I'm pretty sure that she loves him.

T'nother One

Another one of me looking gorgeous again. How do I do it you ask? Well it just comes easy!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Another post from the beach

I live in Australia. We have a lot of sun, a lot of beach, and a lot of sand. Here's a photo of me (with Mum in the background) at the beach one Sunday Morning. We were there with baby Charlotte, she was there but not in this photo. She's so cute (but not as cute as me!). We had a swim and then went home for bacon and egg sandwiches. Yuuuu-mmmmmm.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Hello. I was lucky enough to go with Mum to her friend's birthday in the park. There was a band and we all had to wear something beautiful. I wore my beautiful T-shirt but even without it I was beautiful. :)