Sunday, December 16, 2007


Hi. I just popped in to say Hi!

New Cat

Hi! It's your buddy CatGirl! If your wondering why you haven't seen me lately... no. Don't ask me. It's a long story. Oh OK then! Ill tell you! Well... Oh this is hard to say but... Oh I'll just say...
(sigh) I'm a ghost. Cars and things.

Well let's walk away from the graveyards. We're getting a new cat. It might turn out to be Siamese.
I've met one before. They can be really skinny but SOOO annoying! We cats call that "Sonoying" which means skinny and annoying.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Mum had to go away for the weekend and I was told that there would be a special surprise for me that night. I never thought that I'd be holding the Sun! We started off with a swim, a lay in the sand, another swim, then some photos. Believe me, that Sun is hot! Afterwards we had a fabulous fish and chip Wahoo cone. I was told not to feed the sea gulls but there was one little guy with only one leg so I slipped him a couple of chips and some slivers of fish.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

10th Birthday Wish

I've just blown out the candles. Wishing for...

Saturday, October 27, 2007


I'm in Pemberton whith my cousin. It's been a great day!

Saturday, May 19, 2007


You won't see me in a dress very often (but don't I look cute) so make the most of it.

I wish they'd buy me a chair though!

Stuffed Toys

Here's a picture of some of my stuffed toys. I actually have bunk beds in my room and the top bed is completely covered in my other toys. BUT WAIT! Something is not quite right with this picture. Hmm... can you see what it is?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Leg work

So there's no pain no gain, no free lunch, nothing's easy. When you come to the white line and you want to cross over it there's nothing like a pair of green safety thongs to help you out. As Yogi Berri said, "When you come to a cross road - take it."

My leg is thin,
but my leg is strong.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Our trip to Africa

Hi every body! Guess what! I'm in Africa! It's so cool here! But I can't understand what every body is saying!

Just suppose Rebecca Rat rose

Rebecca Rat rose in the sky so high
she did not have time to say goodbye
she rose so quick and very soon
she found herself upon the moon
she thought that Venus would be good
so she hurried there as fast as she could
after she saw the brightest stars
she flew away to look at Mars
she'd heard that Merury was a lovely spot
but when she got there it was much too hot
when the sky was all a pattern
off she went to visit Saturn
but when she found it was much too far
she went back home to see her ma.

Specially written for Rebecca by her Granddad.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Delicous cookies

Hi guys! I've just baked some yummy choc chip cookies! Mmmmmm!!! They look yummy! And they smell even yummier! I can't wait to eat them! Can you?

Chicken on the farm

This is a chicken that we saw on the farm! Do you know what noise a chicken makes?

My plants

Here are some plants in my garden. I just waterd them but I got a bit itchy when I went in them! I dont know why!


This is my horse. Click on him and see what he does.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Here are some trees in Africa.

My hello

Hi every one! Its me again, Rebecca. I have just come to say hello!


Its a lizy in the garden! It was real hard to get!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007

My Life

White sands, blue water, clear skies, yachts on the horizon. Every now and then a ciggy butt in the sand but not that often. This is my back garden. Life is GOOD!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


It's wet in here. There's something up there that you can only see if you look very very carefully!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy as a piglet in mudlet

It's the simple things in life that make me happy. A nice warm bath, a big fat cuddle, a fresh crispy apple. Wallowing in my made mud, with gritty sand doing what gritty sand does.

As Walt Whitman said,

"Methinks white-winged angels,
Floating unseen the while,
Hover around this village green,
And pleasantly they smile.

O, angels! guard these children!
Keep grief and guilt away;
From earthly harm—from evil thoughts—
O, shield them night and day!"

Walt wasn't very good.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Sigh. It's not a dinosaur.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

A little ray of sunshine

In the shape of a girl. A little ray of sunshine, yes it's cat girl.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Capture a moment

Water rises and water falls. But this, this is this!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Evy Day Special

This was supposed to be breakfast but we had it after lunch. Crumpet with peanut paste, banana, and grilled honey! From my 'Kids in the Kitchen' cooking book.

Me looking very serene. A rare moment when I wasn't grumbling, moaning, or ranting.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Gross. Yes, I can be gross!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

So happy

I had a stomach ache but Mum's fried rice fixed that. I fed the prawn tails and peas to Cat Girl. What sort of cat likes peas?

Friday, January 05, 2007

Washing my grundies

High pressure bum spray takes the smell away.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Me eating icecream

I'm eating So Good icecream. Yum.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Got to admit she's getting bigger

I've got to admit she's getting bigger
A little bigger all the time
I have to admit she's getting bigger
She's getting bigger since she's been mine
She's getting so much bigger all the time

Monday, January 01, 2007

She's actually enjoying this

She is. Really.