Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Take a picture

1. 2.. 3... take the photo... NOW!

Watch out Annie L.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rotto Weekender

Rottnest Island - Click to see satellite photo

It's called Rottnest because it's inhabited by furry creatures called quokkas. When the island was first discovered by white men in 1696 (Willem de Vlamingh) they thought that the quokkas were big rats and so they called it Rottnest (rat nest) island.

They look cuter in this photo than they actually are. They pooh everywhere and sneak in to steal your food! They're good fun though.

Ready for some snorkling, swimming, sausage sizzling, quokka chasing fun!

Got to do something while Mum sleeps in! - Nostril hair on the H-H-H - four legged walking animal.
Editor's note: If we say Horse -A HA HA HA!...I mean, four legged animal (OK, we've grown out of it now) we start laghing!

My cool story.

Mum looking good (I always do!)

On the way home. Over already. Still cracking a smile but.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

U Turn!

I was driving along the other day with Mum (ok she was driving) and we came across a sign that said, "No U-Turn". Pffft... I said, "No. You turn!"


Ah, might as well jump. Jump!
Might as well jump
Go ahead an' jump. Jump!
Go ahead and jump

Ow-oh! Hey, you! Who said that? Baby, how you been?
You say you don't know, you won't know until you begin

Basket ca(t)se


Where is the face I love
twisting into knots and pain?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Introducing... Cat Girl!

As you know it was my birthday 4 (ish) days ago. Amongst the many presents I received was this little darling... Cat Girl. She's a cat of my very own. She likes to sleep near me and purr in my ear all night long. She's cataceaous!

Cat Girl met P-Ted too. At first they were not sure about each other but now they're the best of friends. Here's a photo of them meeting for the first time.