Monday, October 30, 2006

Our flowers

Only just planted. I'll post another picture when they grow some more. 

Toolin' in the pool (My birthday on the 29th)

I'm now NINE (9). Eating one of Mum's yummy jelly cups. 

We had my birthday party at the pool. Here's me (with the blue goggles on giving the bear hug) and some of my friends. 

P-Ted and Starberry forgot their bathers so they sat on the edge and watched. 

Pass the parcel. I love how the music always stops on each one of us the same number of times :). 

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Starberry's over seas trip

Starberry went on a trip to Asia recently. I couldn't go because I had to go to school :( , but he took some photos of some of the places that he went (This one was at Singapore airport). 

Looking out of the hotel window in Bangkok.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

P Ted and Starberry (with a leg in the background)

Im a gooooooooooooooooooose! Oh hi wat are you doing here? (its Rebecca rat) yeah the big one is er........P ted and straberry. Oh oh no! STARBERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm the queen of the self portrait.

Same day. Me about to eat a dog.