Thursday, December 29, 2005

At the pool

Me and Mum. At the pool after much splashing, jumping, kicking, under-watering, and even some swimming!

Some other photos:
1. I went into the deep pool (3.5m) too
2. I'm too cool
3. From the planet ZOGGS!
4. From the planet ZOGGS - Part II!
5. Me jumping

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My Bionicle Monsters

These are my bionical monsters. I like them. One is nice and other one is scarey. (Please note that the glass with the twin turbo straws was filled with Ribena, not Kilkenny.)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I'm on a boat


... and yes they are my jim jams.

Here is the boat (it's called the Dufkin - the little dove)

Little Dove


Don't ask. It's a long story :)

My drawing

This is my drawing. It is a drawing of the sea.

(I bet you don't look that crash hot in the mornings either!)

Amy Morgon and Lulu

This is my picture of Amy, Lulu, and Morgon. From the ABC for kids site but painted by me.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ossie Park show


The batteries went flat before we took any pictures of us actually loooking at the camera. Oh well..., nice soft goat

And this, they tell me, is a sheep.